Happy New Year!

Sogndal Skisenter has clear goals to develop the facility in Hodlekve into a year-round destination. "This means that we need to develop our barefoot facilities at the same time as we develop our winter facilities. As soon as the snow starts to fall, we'll roll up our sleeves and start work on the pumptrack, jump line, trails and markings. The plans are ready! Before this, we want to have a good winter season. We're hoping for snow in the next few days, which should give us enough to get the whole facility up and running. We're looking forward to it!

We realize that if we are to get the season off to an earlier start, we must also invest in artificial snow facilities. These are heavy investments with subsequent expensive operating costs. It is therefore important that we plan this well and make the right choices about what is best for us. We will be able to make such heavy investments if we get the investors for future cabin fields on board.

Sogndal ski center - Hodlekve is mainly owned by Sogndal Municipality. The Hodlekve area has been identified by politicians as an area for outdoor life and cabin development. "We see that if we do things right, this will be a good place for everyone. We need the capital that the cabin development provides to develop the facility, and the facility then benefits the whole village!

In 2022, we want to invite political parties, teams and organizations, landowners and cabin owners to informal meetings in Dalalåven where we can tell about our plans and where we can get feedback and advice.

With this I would like to wish all our guests a Happy New Year!

Hodlekve April 2020


The cross-country trails are now ready!


We open the Holentrekket in Rindabotn on Christmas Day!