Current affairs
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Kveldskøyring i veke 3 avlyst
Grunna vêret må vi dessverre avlyse kveldskøyring denne veka. Dette gjør vi for å ivareta bakken og sikre best mogleg forhold framover.
Season start summary
Me opna 20. desember med eit forrykande trøkk av stemning, laus snø og Laussnøbuss.
The boss of all bosses
Kim André Navarsete, eller Kimmy’en som dei fleste kjenner han som, er tilsett som dagleg leiar ved Sogndal Skisenter.
The mountain ski season is officially underway
Congratulations to Aage Engesæter who made the first trip of the season to Rysete on mountain skis, November 17!
Lift passes at promotional prices
The pre-sale on discounted lift passes is underway. The campaign runs from October 1 through November 1, so be quick to secure your season pass now.
Welcome to Easter holidays with and without skis!
There's a lot to do for both young and old with us during the Easter holidays. You can find the activity program under the tab "Events" here on our website.
It's winter here until May 1
We have plenty of snow, we have five ski slopes, beautiful mountains and cross-country and mountain trails - and a number of cabins and playgrounds waiting for skiing guests.
Winter break = lots of fun
The winter holidays with us offer lots of fun and games. Until May 1, we are open every single day in our facility.