
Easypark - tariff group: 6925

See updated Prices below

Ticket machines are located at the SIL cabin and in the middle parking lot in Rindabotn. The machines are now ticketless, so once you have registered your car number and paid, you don't need to think about tickets anymore. Read more about the system here: TICKETLESS PARKING

Download the Easypark app to pay by mobile

Prices parking

Parking cards can be purchased at Easypark, area 6925. You can add several cars to the season pass in Easypark, but only one at a time.

Sogndal municipality checks whether the fee has been paid. Parking attendants are often in the facility and carry out checks.

Anyone who has previously purchased an annual pass can renew on the expiry date, even if the maximum limit for the number of season passes sold has been exceeded. Long-term parking is not available on the annual pass.

*(Max. DKK 106,- per day)