Buy an annual parking pass in Hodlekve now.
Sikra deg årskort for parkering i Sogndal Skisenter Hodlekve. Prisen er kr. 1400,-
We only have a limited number of annual passes available, so it's "first come, first served". Those who already have an annual pass will have the opportunity to renew when the old one expires.
Annual passes can be purchased via mobile phone through Easypark's app (Download the app through Appstore or Google Play)
There, a tariff group 6925 is used (see image below)
The annual pass is valid from the date of purchase and one year in the future.
You can use the annual pass on several cars, you can add cars in the app, but you can only use one car at a time.
How to buy an annual pass with iPhone
How to change vehicles on Iphone
How to buy an annual pass with an android phone
How to change vehicles with Android
How to buy an annual pass with iPhone: