Corona regulations

Action plan for Sogndal Skisenter, infection control against Corona infection

Sogndal Ski Center is an important offer and player that facilitates physical activity.

The outdoor activities that the ski center embraces are seen as offers with a low risk of infection,

 when infection control measures are followed up by visitors and employees.

It is your responsibility as a guest to help us in the fight against Corona infection.

You MUST follow these simple rules:  

  • Sick people and people in quarantine, as well as people suspected of being infected, should stay at home.

  • Good hand and cough hygiene and enhanced cleanliness.

  • Wash and disinfect hands before and after visits to cafés, shops and toilets. Make sure your children do this too.

  • Maintain a minimum distance of 1 meter to others than your own travel companions and generally reduce contact between people

  • Only sit one at a time on the T-square if you don't belong to the same household/travel party/cohort.

  • Register with QR CODE / phone number when entering Dalalåven(Posters are set up on entrance doors)

  • Buy ski passes online If you don't have a keycard, you can still buy your pass online. Then you have to pick it up in the ski pass, it takes less time. We also sell blank cards at Intersport Sogndal. Remember that you can use keycards from other ski data centers.

Other measures I carry out: 

  • Lift queues are organized with a minimum distance of 2 meters from other people. Avoid crowds of people.

    Follow our "Hodlekvevertar" instructions, at and in Dalalåven.  

Everyone who enters must register with a mobile number in case of infection tracking.   

  Dalalåven set up a simple Vipp kiosk outdoors. 

   In general, increased security and more frequent cleaning throughout the facility. As well as dedicated parking attendants.



Winter holiday in Hodlekve


Welcome to us the last weekend in January