The ski bus is back

Tide runs a ski bus to Sogndal Ski Center every Saturday and Sunday throughout the season.

The ski bus starts from Helgheim (Sogndal Folkehøgskule) at 0955, stops at Sogndal Skysstasjon at 1000 and makes stops at Elvatunet and Ingafossen on the way up to Sogndal Skisenter and Rindabotn.

Return from Rindabotn towards Sogndal at 1600 on the dot.

The ticket price is NOK 40 for the trip.

The response was good when we set up the ski bus last season, and it's crucial that people take advantage of the offer if this is to last. The ticket revenue from the ski bus is far from enough to cover the costs, but it's important for us that those who don't have a car have the opportunity to get up to our facility.

Spread the word; get your friends together and take the ski bus! It's social and fun, and you're doing your bit for the environment. Have a good trip!


Winter break = lots of fun


Free season pass for everyone up to 10 years old!